Education Corner: Composting 101

One way to help support KPB’s efforts in reducing waste is to compost with your family. In this edition of Education Corner, I will provide information about composting and 3 different activities you can do with students ranging from toddlers to middle school.

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Brittany BandyComment
Go Native

Keep Pinellas Beautiful strives to protect and conserve our natural environment through our community improvement efforts within Pinellas County. One of the ways we do this is by incorporating native plants and gardens into our county’s green spaces. Not only are native plants beautiful, but they also provide a variety of environmental and economic benefits to your home and business landscapes.

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Recycling 101

Florida Recycles Week, November 15th - 19th, is celebrated in conjunction with America Recycles Day, which brings the nation together to learn, act and share the importance of recycling and reducing waste with others. According to Keep America Beautiful, the nation’s recycling rate has increased over the past 30 years and is currently 34 percent. However, there is still a lot of confusion when it comes to recycling. Keep Pinellas Beautiful and Pinellas County want to help you recycle more and recycle right!

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All About Invasive Vegetation

At Keep Pinellas Beautiful, one of the ways we protect and conserve our natural environment is by removing invasive vegetation from our county’s green spaces. Though they may look harmless, invasive plants are detrimental to native ecosystems and need human intervention to get rid of.

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Education Corner: Weathering and Erosion

Pinellas County is located on the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico which is vulnerable to storms and hurricanes that shift sand, soil, and rocks. It is essential to get children to think about how storms can impact our environment and home developments along our Pinellas County coastline.

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Brittany BandyComment
Earth Day 2021

On April 22nd we celebrate Earth Day, and our Pinellas County beach cleanups and volunteering opportunities are in full swing. Earth Day is frequently the date chosen for environmental events and announcements, and we’re excited to celebrate with all of you this year.

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Alexandra ShostakComment
Wetlands of Pinellas County

Wetlands are vital, productive ecosystems that support a variety of species and offer services that humans depend on. As a coastal county, Pinellas is especially dependent on wetland services to mitigate erosion, protect against storm surges, and provide nutrients to the plant and animal species we enjoy seeing in our green spaces.

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