2020 Great American Cleanup
Now through September 30th 2020
Photo courtesy of City of St. Petersburg
Since 1998, Keep Pinellas Beautiful (KPB) has participated in a nationwide, volunteer-based, community improvement program called the Great American Cleanup (GAC), a signature event of Keep America Beautiful. Traditionally, affiliates such as KPB rally volunteers together during the months of March to May, with the goal of cleaning up parks, public areas, and waterways. Across the nation, this program gathers over 3.4 million Americans to both educational and litter-free events to help improve and preserve our country.
This year looks a little different. In light of the current COVID-19 outbreak, we’ve made significant changes to ensure everyone stays safe. Volunteer and staff safety are top priorities for us, and we are closely following the updates and advice from multiple sources (CDC, WHO, FDH, KAB, and PC).
While we can’t gather in the large numbers that we’re used to, the KPB community can make just as big and meaningful an impact by returning to grassroots organization. In times like these, community involvement is more important than ever at addressing trash at its source. That’s why we’ve created Pick Up Pinellas, an initiative for volunteers like you to gather in small, safe groups and clean the streets and blocks you live on.
Each year, 80% of the debris entering our waterways comes from inland areas like streets, storm-drains, lakes, and ponds. This debris travels through our watersheds and ends up in our oceans. Much of that trash is found on the streets and sidewalks we traverse every day. When we each take responsibility for just a few blocks of pavement, we can create a collective change that makes a big difference. We may not be able to gather together, but we are still working together to love where we live and preserve the ecosystems around Pinellas County. With just an hour or two of your time, you can be part of our county-wide initiative to Pick Up Pinellas and keep our oceanside space clean, green, and beautiful!
How to get involved:
Register your site and request supplies
Get outside and clean your block
After your event, report your data to KPB.
Share your cleanup on social media